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As you know, NAMM is quickly approaching. Statistically Google reports the word NAMM is searched 100k times in January and Wirebuzz reports that people are able to remember 95% of a message when it’s presented to them with Video vs. only 10% retention if they have to read. 

Give your products the online attention they deserve with a custom NAMM report video. The industry magazines are stretched thin trying to cover the show. Displaying at NAMM is a big expense, so get the most out of your investment and guarantee coverage by booking RC Video Productions to create a custom show report video. There are a number of pricing options available. We have 20+ years of working the NAMM show and will be available to help you with a show report on Friday and Saturday January 25-26th. Book now for priority scheduling and we’ll see you in Anaheim!


Pricing starts as low as $350. Download the price list.

Contact us for booking and custom video quotes.

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